BALCO: The Dead Horse
So, the steroid investigation begins. A little late, don't you think? I heard a sound bite of Selig today and he said the word (or rather, the acronym) BALCO as if he had never in his life heard of such a word and it was difficult to get out. He said it like his batteries were running down or something.
Mitchell is supposedly a good friend of Selig's. Sort of reminds me of this. Anyway, it smells. And what do you suppose is going to happen if "evidence" is gleaned? It's a little hard to enforce punishment when the so-called serious investigation starts years after the alleged use. Doesn't it seem like it's more for show than anything else?
On the other hand, I guess it's better than nothing. I suppose I would complain more if Bonds' steroid use went completely unacknowledged forever.
The timing is odd, to say the least.
Time to test "The GiamBALCO."
It's one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't type deals. If you ask me, Selig's known about this for a very long time and did nothing because he understand that more home runs equals more money.
As for Giambi - he's probably doing some kind of game enhancer (he puffed out last year and miraculously "found his game"). But I doubt that he's going to be caught.
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