I'll Admit It. We Stink.
Here's a question - why do I care? Obviously, front office doesn't care. Let me clarify: Front office doesn't care enough. I've adopted a new call me when we get a couple of decent starters attitude. In case you are wondering why I've grown so bitter, so quickly, perhaps you should check out the score. On second thought, allow me to inform you. 8-3, Yankees.
Our pitching bites the big one.
Good to see Seanez thrown out as the sacrificial lamb instead of wasting the bullpen. Maybe we won't see him again until Sunday.
Welcome back, btw...but what happened to your links?
Reportedly, Seanez(Or Seance) has been DFA'd.
& you've been added to my link list:
It's as big as Beckett's ERA.
CP - I think it depends on the browser you use. In Safari, everything seems fine, but IE is weird. I'll try to address it. I only changed the color of the links. The graphics I switched out are the same size as the previous ones. I hope I can solve the mystery.
Michael - Thanks! Unfortunately, it seems that old Seanez is the least of our problems these days.
Love the new look WCG!!
Thank you, Peter.
No need to apologize for the Red Sox's terrible pitching. Only Theo can be held accountable for that.
I've just written an essay on 2 teams, about what happened about 2 years past the World Series:
The essay is on my blog, right now.
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